Key Information
- Date: 2012
- Client: Homes & Communities Agency & LBTH
- Location: London, UK
- Budget: £500,000,000
- Floors: 4
- Residential Units: 2,100
- Total GIA (m²): 77,000
- Residential Area (m²): 66,780
- Retail Area (m²): 10,000
- Office Area (m²): 30,000
- Education Area (m²): 2,400
- Open Space Area (m²): 20,000
- Leisure Area (m²): 6,000
- Community Area (m²): 5,000
This 7.7 hectare site north east of Canary Wharf is physically isolated from its surrounding environment by major trunk roads and the Blackwall Tunnel approach. The site includes the notorious Robin Hood Gardens; designed by the Smithsons, and some poor 1950s housing, a bus depot and many defunct industrial units.
Our concept is very clear; to create a large new, well landscaped park which would be enclosed by new solar powered low carbon residential, commercial and retail uses. A new Piazza will be formed adjacent to a new access route to the DLR station. The scale of buildings increases towards the south of the site to match those of New Providence Wharf, creating a gateway into the Isle of Dogs and bridging the scale divide across Aspen Way.
The masterplan also includes a new THIRD form entry primary school, a mosque and other community facilities. Pedestrian movement and transport connections have been increased and expanded to ensure that the new plan is fully integrated with the surrounding communities.
Consultant Team
- Project Manager: Capita Symonds Ltd
- Planning Authority: London Borough of Tower Hamlets
- Planning Consultant: GVA Grimley
- Structural Engineer: Pell Frischmann
- M+E Services Engineer: Buro Happold
- Environmental Consultant: Capita Symonds Ltd
- Townscape / Heritage Consultant: Townscape
- Heritage Consultant: Peter Stewart
- Quantity Surveyor: Bucknall Austin
- Landscape Architects: Townshend Landscape Architects
- Public Relations: ING Media
- Daylight / Sunlight: BMT Fluid
- Highways Consultant / Transport Planner: Steer Davies Gleave
- Infrastructure & Utilities: Clarke Bond
- Archeological Consultant: CgMs Ltd.
- Model Maker: Unit 22 Modelmakers