Key Information
- Location: London, UK
- Floors: 4
- Height (m): 18
- GIA Office Area (sqm): 38,000
- Total Area GIA (sqm): 38,000
A telecommunications co-location facility, or data-switch centre, is a new building type representative of our global technological environment.
The facility, including the separate office pavilion, is positioned as a landmark building at the head of the proposed pedestrian avenue leading southwards to the Royal Victoria dockside.
The long façade of the new building aims to promote visibility. The office pavilion is located close to the main entrance gatehouse enabling clear observation from the roundabout when approaching by road from either direction. The pavilion is a low form tucked behind a shallow bank and perimeter trees.
This 38,000m2 building has been designed to meet the demands of the end-user, particularly for floor loading flexibility, power and cable connectivity, and security. It is developed on a fast track to a shell specification, ready for fitting out by either a single tenant or several tenants in parallel.
The new building has a silver surface ‘screen façade’ made from semi-transparent glass and fritted glass louvres which reflects the sun and sky. The diagonal helps to convey the dynamic activity within.